Unadulterated Faith
I love my kids so much. My three children teach me new things every day and remind me that the hastiness of life should not overrule the opportunity to splash in a puddle.
Last night, my seven year old taught me the purest lesson on faith. On our way to the cabin, we encountered the worst thunderstorm that I had ever driven in. Torrential rainfall, blinding white lightning, the flashing of nearby hazard lights, and the sound of booming thunder surrounded us as we pressed onward driving no more than 15 miles per hour on the interstate. Pulling over was not an option as the road virtually disappeared around us- it was impossible to ascertain the shoulder or an exit ramp.
My knuckles white, and my stomach in knots, I glanced nervously in my rear-view mirror to check on my daughter. Despite the severe storm and tornadic weather raging unceasingly around us, there she sat nestled softly in her pink blanket peacefully watching a movie (ironically, The Wizard of Oz!) eating graham crackers. I wish I could have captured that moment with a photograph because God showed me in that moment what pure, unadulterated faith looked like. She had absolutely no fear of the deadly storm; not a glimmer of trepidation on her face.
Conscious of the worsening conditions, I made the choice not to interact with her as I didn’t want to unnecessarily alert her to the bad weather. As we pulled onto the familiar dirt road of our cabin, my daughter pulled off her earphones at stated “Whew, I’m so glad we made it to the cabin!” “Yes!” I replied in agreement- I had finally unclenched my fists not more than 20 minutes earlier. “That sure was a thunderstorm we drove through, hugh!” I probed gently to see if she realized what we had recently driven through. “Did you see the lightning, Mom? Oh my gosh! I could hear the thunder through my earphones!”
“Did you know how bad the storm was, Honey?” I asked.
“Were you scared?”
“No. You’re a good driver Mommy. I know you know how to get to the cabin- even in a storm.”
Despite the storm, my daughter’s faith in my ability to get us where we needed to be- unharmed- superseded her fear.
"For I know the plans [path] I have for you,"
declares the LORD.
"Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
God knows where we need to end up and he knows how to get us there- refined but unharmed. He is the Supreme Ruler and in complete control of His universe. As a sinful human who has the freedom to make moral or immoral choices, I need frequent reminders that God "is over all and can do as He pleases whether [I] understand His actions or not"(GotQuestions.com).
Despite the wind, despite the rain, despite the crashing storms around me, God knows HIS plan and the path HE created for me; After all He authored it before I was even born. (Jeremiah 1:5)
Even in the eye of the most devastating storm, He remains totally in control.
Eye of the Storm, Ryan Stevenson

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