And Then He Said... Maybe one day I will share my intense (dark) writing on this blog, but today isn't the day. Instead, I want to share what came from the Holy Spirit the evening of... And Then He Said It’s interesting what prayer can do to change your outlook on Evil. Do I believe that Evil is real? Absolutely. I lived with it for many years. Do I believe that in Christ I have the power to overcome it? Absolutely. That is the assurance- the promise- that I live with but often forget. It’s so much easier to live in anger and vengeance. Weird because really, it’s draining. If I just clung to the blessed assurances that I have in Christ, my emotions wouldn’t be sucked dry. Literally sucked dry. As I lay in bed last night reflecting on my day’s writing, that silent voice said commanded me (once again) to have compassion for you. Let’s be clear- compassion is waaaayyyy different than pity. I do not pity you, I do not feel sorry for you. You are reaping what y...